What does summer mean to you?
For me it is...
Bare feet.
The scent of sunscreen.
Kids cruising the neighborhood on their bikes.
Iced tea.
Lemonade stands.
Freshly cut grass.
Late sunsets.
And of course ... the ice-cream truck.
My neighbor, and my photography friend, Miranda, caught this classic photo of the kids lined up and waiting for the ice-cream truck. I asked my daughter Rose (7) to write about the Instagram above. This is her story...
One Wednesday afternoon me and my sister Quinn and my two friends Jacob and Emma were sitting outside waiting for the ice cream truck. We each were holding a dollar bill. We wanted the ice cream truck to come, but it was 6:40pm and we had to wait till 7:30pm. Then when thirty-one minutes had passed, Emma said she could hear the music from the ice cream truck.
Everybody went silent so they could hear the ice cream truck.
Then we all said, "We can hear it too!"
Then I said, "I can see it coming toward us!"
Then it stopped in front of a house. We sit. Then it came towards us. Now we were happy. Now we stood so the ice cream truck would stop. We ran out of our seats and got in line. Then we got ice cream and then we ran inside and we went to sleep.
The End.
Happy summer friends!
May your warm days be slow, lazy, and filled with ICE CREAM.
P.S. Did your neighborhood have an ice-cream truck growing up? Do you now?
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