What is the value of typing? This fall when our girls started kindergarten and first grade at the local elementary school they started using computers at school everyday. Our girls are generally fairly tech savvy. We play educational games on the iPhone and have bookmarks on the computer to SuperWhy? and The Electric Company set up for them.
This summer many of my teacher friends were up in arms this May when the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) began updating its position statement on Technology and Young Children for the first time in 14 years. The CCFC pushed back, arguing that young children should have little or no exposure to screen technologies in child-care, preschool or kindergarten settings.
How important do you feel it is for your child to learn to be computer savvy? My girls asked for begged for me to set up books so that they could practice typing words. It definitely was useful for spelling, word recognition, and playing with punctuation. Yet, I still wonder if the time would have better spent writing with a pencil & paper.
What is your opinion on screen time for elementary aged school children? Do you have any screen time rules or limits at your house? Share your thoughts below or on Facebook or Pinterest.
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