I am smitten. I could spend an entire day just browsing ideas on Pinterest. Honestly, I could spend a week just memorized by all the pretty pictures and amazing ideas simply floating around.
The truth? There are not enough hours in the day to satiate my Pinterest obsession. There are just too many cool ideas.
Let’s come together as a group of parents to tackle the fact there are only 24 hours in each day.
We are rounding up parents who want to take an active role in child's passion for learning. "Together let’s stoke the flame in your child's eyes by providing hands on, self paced, collaborative, challenging, enjoyable learning. Let’s encourage divergent thinking, instead of convergent thinking; innovation instead of standardization. Give your children a lifetime love of learning. See the light in your child’s eyes."
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Grab your rope. Together we're about to lasso the moon.
Welcome to the concept: Fridge Worthy Fridays.
Every Friday Tricia and I will share a weekly link-up offering YOU the opportunity to share your favorite educational Pinterest find with other like minded parents.
Oh how I wish I could add y'all to the Lifetime Love of Learning group board. Unfortunately, logistics make that impossible. Using a good old fashion link-up gives us the opportunity to come together as a group to share (and then peruse) the best of the best.
I cannot wait to get started tomorrow.
I am so thankful to have you guys on board.
PS: Below are a couple of Fridge Worthy Friday FAQs:
1. Do I have to be on Pinterest to participate? No! Definitely not. I personally just find Pinterest to be a great resource of ideas. You can feel free to link-up any educational project, site, blog post, or activity.
2. How do I get the URL to share? First you click on your pin to get to this page (below). Then you click the image again to get re-directed to the website the information was originally pinned from! This is the URL you want to share in the link-up. Copy & paste the URL from your browser bar into the link-up.
3. Can I add more than one idea to the link-up? Sure! Just remember these are supposed to be your "favorite" finds of the week. You can share more than one idea, but be sure to be proud of what you post.
4. If I am a blogger can I still link-up? Yes, definitely. Every week Tricia and I will share our top three link-up ideas with our readers and social followers. We love meeting other bloggers. Please utilize this opportunity to share your favorite posts.