INSIDE: Five simple, often overlooked, tips for getting kids to willingingly, joyfully eat veggies.
Want to grow veggie lovers? Do your kids gripe about having to take “one more bite”? Do they whine when they see green on their plate?
Below are five basic (sometimes overlooked) tips for getting your kids to, not just eat veggies, but actually like them.
1. Let them goof a bit.
I walked away for a moment, when I returned to chop up my stalk of broccoli I found this. {smiles} Of course, I made a big deal out of it, laughed and yelled, Hey, who’s eating my broccoli tree? *Check out the scenario showcased in the video below!
Generally we insist on good manners at dinner, except when it comes to veggies. We let the girls eat green beans with their hands if they wish. If they are putting vegetables in their mouth, I let it go.
2. Skip pre-cut carrots.
I have purchased about a million & one bags of mini, pre-cut, pre-washed carrots in my life. Last year I noticed regular sized organic carrots were only 98 cents; they were sitting next to my $3 bag of minis. The first time I bought whole carrots, peeled, and then cut them I was so enchanted by the fresh smell that I posted on Facebook. I asked, What have I been missing all these years?
Quick Tip: Cut your carrot into very small, thin sticks. We usually cut the carrot down to about 2 inches long by ¼ inch thick.
3. Never utter these infamous words, "You may have dessert after you eat your vegetables."
This go-to phrase is the equivalent of telling your child veggies are yucky & something they inherently should not enjoy. When’s the last time you said, You’re welcome to play outside after you finished your sucker? Take away that you have to eat them or else‚ stigma. At our house we actually serve dessert with dinner (mind you, a small portion). You’d be surprised how much this has simplified our lives.
4. Children often watch better than they listen.
Be the change you want to see in your family. If you want your kids to like eating veggies grab a carrot once and a while. Make vegetable recipes you enjoy. Stumped? Check out the Peanut Blossom Bring Back the Family Meal board on Pinterest for ideas.
5. Have a carrot crunching contest.
One of my favorite, sure fire ways to get kids to not only eat, but enjoy veggies is to challenge them to a crunching contest. This works every time with fresh veggies if delivered with enthusiasm. Here are a few tips to help your delivery:
- Start with carrots! Peel nice, fresh, full sized carrot sticks. *Thick baby carrots will work in a pinch, too.
- Have the kids join you, but don’t offer them up as a snack option to the child. Start a casual conversation as you munch on the carrots.
- After a few bites, stop very suddenly, and say, “Shhh! Did you hear that?” Stand quietly, until the silence has lapsed. When you take another bite do the same thing but say, “Oh my goodness, did you hear that CRUNCH?" pause and continue, "Shhhh! Shhh! Listen!”
- Once you have the child’s attention take another bite of carrot and try to really pop it by breaking/bending it as you bite down. Be sure to laugh and go on and on as if this is the funniest thing you’ve ever heard. Finally ask, “Do you think you can CRUNCH louder? Let’s have a contest.”
I’ve tried this approach on many children & I have yet to have a kid turn me down. The key is to be over dramatic and silly. A crunching contest also works with celery, but carrots are my favorite. Watch the video below to see my Rose CRUNCH, seriously, the biggest carrot ever.
Quick Tip: Our family often goes around and rates each person's crunch as a group. We then vote on who was the loudest.
I’d love to hear any additional suggestions you have!
PS: Rose's shirt in the photo above reads, "Conserve Water, Drink Chocolate Milk." {hee hee}